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PREP Testing and Coaching

PREP Personality Profile Reports

Since 1984, we have partnered with our clients … to transform the global workplace by increasing understanding and trust that improves personal communications, motivation, and organizational productivity – one person, one team, one organization at a time.

Our personality profile related products, software and services offer rapid insight, a practical common language for individuals, groups and organizations to communicate, develop understanding, improve relationships and build trust.

At PREP we value quality, team work, simplicity, high economic value, professionalism and fun. We are passionate about understanding people!

The Philosophy that started PREP …

PREP was started by JoAn Mann in Bend, Oregon, US in late Spring, 1984 in response to her desire to create a highly validated, research driven personality profile she could use in work with businesses and career coaching clients that was completely respectful and based on strengths–gently reminding us of to pay attention to our ‘less developed’ areas.

Ms. Mann had worked with the classic personality instruments of the time, but they were either too cumbersome with time, too bothersome with antiquated words or not statistically reliable enough for the cross-culturally sensitive world that was emerging.  She was working with clients already around Europe, Canada and the US.

She had moved to Bend, Oregon in 1983. At that time, Bend was an economically hard-hit resort town, with high unemployment, nestled at the threshold of the Central Oregon Cascade Mountains.  The functional illiteracy rate there was exceptionally high. Businesses there were unfamiliar with personality tests and team building at the time.   While she was flying all around America to work with corporations, she wanted to spend more time at home in her beautiful new community and bring the strength and wider perspective to help these businesses thrive again..

That meant developing a personality assessment she could use in team buildings, business coaching, hiring consulting and career counseling — it had to be quick and painless to take, non-threatening, straightforward, practical and offer remarkable insight to make the inroads she wanted to make.

While not a psychologist, Ms. Mann is a human resources specialist, licensed educator, and foreign cultures enthusiast.  Her impetus for PREP combines her undergraduate degrees in teaching and foreign languages; stipends to study and teach in universities overseas;  an MBA emphasizing HRM; years of statistical research in job success probability, stress and health in the workplace; with master level behavioral change certification in NLP.  And, she had help along the way from medical practitioners, statisticians, psychologists, business experts, clients, angel funding and family. Thanks to all who helped create this PREP Profile System!  It has been built with customer needs at its ‘core’.

Twenty five years later, PREP is a full system offering businesses and individuals around the world a unique and practical approach to understanding how personality helps align our individual personal gifts with work missions.

Sample Reports below

Sample Profile Self Development
Sample Profile Data Graph and Trait Summary Chart
Sample Profile

PREP’s aligned personality profile report system features:

Common NeedsWhat is Measured?Which Report Series do I order?
Personal Communication Skills
Career Development
Leadership Development
Team Building Intro/Ice Breaker
Details of the person’s natural personality: strengths and challengesmyCORE Series
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Getting along with Others
Coaching for Success
Leadership/Management Skills
Team Building
Tips and Suggestions on how to improve communication skills and interpersonal relationshipsmyCORE and Professional Coaching Series or Custom Report.
Leadership Development
Executive Coaching
Life Change Coaching
Career Development
Recruitment, Selection
Retention and Motivation
Identification of current motivation, energy and assessing change-hardiness and -readinessPREP Professional Series
Hiring:  Recruitment, Selection Retention and Motivation
Succession planning
Outplacement and Job Search
Profile of the person’s first impression on others – how they will interviewProfessional Coaching & Job Match Series, or Custom Report.
Improving Group Dynamics
Team Building
Hiring, promotions
Succession planning
Group Matching natural personality matching and friction identificationmyCORE and Professional Group Match Series, Custom Report.
Leadership Development
Team Building
Career Development
Succession planning
Natural Career Personality MatchingmyCORE and Professional Job Match Series, Custom Report.

Email our friendly Life Coaches and ask us about our latest PREP and Career Coaching Packages.